Knut Bry, born 1946 in Hovet, is one of Norway ́s most acclaimed photographers. Knut ́s work is internationally renowned in several genres, spanning from fashion editorials and worldwide reportages for Condé Nast-publications such as VOGUE and The Traveler, as well as being considered as an experimental force within the commercial photography.
Knut is a true humanitarian, and his works are often recognized through his explicit use of colors, filters and objects – elegantly and insightfully composed – generating both conviction and joy in his audiences. Knut has also hosted numerous solo- and group exhibitions as an art photographer, often accompanied by musicians, dancers and actors. Also, there are quite a number of books on design, architecture, travel and photography illustrated by the brilliant photographic eye of Mr. Bry. His sense of shape, light and color is truly inspiring, and his being even more so.
Knut Bry, født 1946 i Hovet, er en av Norges mest anerkjente fotografer. Knuts arbeid er internasjonalt kjent i flere sjangre, spenner fra moteredaktører og verdensomspennende reportasjer for Condé Nast-publikasjoner som VOGUE og Traveller, samt å bli betraktet som en eksperimentell kraft innen kommersiell fotografering.
Knut er en sann humanitær, og hans gjerninger er ofte anerkjent gjennom sin eksplisitte bruk av farger, filtre og gjenstander - elegant og innsiktsfullt sammensatt - genererer både overbevisning og glede i hans publikum. Knut har også vært vert for mange solo- og gruppeutstillinger som kunstfotograf, ofte ledsaget av musikere, dansere og skuespillere. Også, det er ganske mange bøker om design, arkitektur, reise og fotografering illustrert av det briljante fotografiske øyet til Herr. Bry. Hans følelse av form, lys og farge er virkelig inspirerende, og hans vesen enda mer.
The photos presented are ten pairs of eyes of ten young Afghans he was working with this summer from the asylum reception for minors in Hol in Hallingdal, which closed December 31, 2017. The boys are at risk of being deported back to Kabul, so he tries to bring focus on their hopeless situation and our government's inhumane treatment of them. Many of the boys have run away to Europe in fear of being deported to Afghanistan. Knut Bry wants to exhibit the images of the boy’s eyes in front of the Norwegian Parliament in Oslo – we should all look into these children’s eyes.
**"October children" are Afghan asylum seekers who came to Norway as single, minor aged asylum seekers in the autumn of 2015. Many of these, according to the Norwegian authorities, are 18 years in the autumn and thus lose the protection they have had as minors. Immigration authorities have decided that they will be sent back to Afghanistan. During the refugee crisis in 2015, over 5,000 single minor asylum seekers came to Norway. Most arrived during the fall. Because many of them lacked a known identity and date of birth, the date of birth was calculated after the day they registered as asylum seekers. Everyone who was about 16 years old and arrived in October became part of this system of turning 18 years in October 2017.
This is the background for the term "October children". Many also arrived in September, November, or December 2015, but the name has nevertheless settled. Nov. 14th / Dec. 5th, 2017 / Karen Tjernshaugen & Thomas Olsen**
Photo: Johs Bøe